NMA Winners & 2022 Radio Breakouts
We are thrilled to be able to celebrate the winners for our 2022 New Music Awards. Top major label artists from Adele to Ed Sheeran made their way into the winner’s circle. Major labels also brought along a number of bands and music acts that also did very well. There was also a vast range of independent artists from Garrett Young to newcomer Tiffany Haseker that were lauded for their amazing music and chart activities.
In addition to recording artists and bands, our New Music Awards also provided top honors to radio stations, music and program directors and to many of our music industry professionals. It’s a way of thanking and recognizing the people that truly make the difference in helping to launch music and talent in our music industry.
For several months, much as with our nominations process, there was the opportunity for our subscribers and music fans to vote for their favorites. The amount of participation was quite exceptional with thousands upon thousands of votes cast for your favorites. This outpouring of good will and response let us know just how many of you out there chose to be a part of a process that appears to be working quite well.
Chart positioning and length on the charts was also critical turning nominees into winners when it came to recording artists and bands. The vote was a critical portion, but it was also about the staying power on our charts that had a very strong impact on the final outcome. We also need to send a message of support to all of the nominees for our New Music Awards. All of you made the nominee list by your strength and dedication and for that we are eternally grateful. It’s now time to focus on the rest of this amazing year,
As this is a tribute to the many NMA Winners, this issue is also about Radio Breakouts. With the second quarter in full bloom, the number of artists and bands with new music is quite “off the charts”. All you have to do is look closely at the charts in the issue to see exactly what we are talking about. Everything’s in a bit of a log jam with both major and independent labels fighting for space. It seems as if we go through this during this time of year, but we have really have not seen anything like it with so many fighting for space.

At the start of the second quarter, the big acts have come out swinging strong from Lizzo to Shawn Mendes and make no mistake about it, the gloves are off and the fight has begun. Add to that a new crop of independent artists and bands and that will underscore just how tough it’s going to be for every chart position available. We’re actually pretty thrilled to see the outpouring of new music with most of it being quite exceptional.
With the event of our New Music Awards, it is also our opportunity to help “level the playing field”. We do that by giving independent artists and bands the same chance that the major label artists get when it comes to music awards. Our NMW family continues to deliver the very best “tools of the trade” when it comes to breaking new singles and artists. With the assistance of our unique STS tracking systems, we are able to keep a close watch on all of the radio spins and activity. This is how we bring you the final charts each and every week from Country, Top40 to Hot AC.
We would like to congratulate all of our winners as this was truly a fight to the finish and there can only be so many that make it to the winner’s circle. We suggest that all artists and bands use this experience to be inspired to make even better music. It continues to be rough out there from our economy to the raging war in Ukraine. Music is the one gift that we can turn to during these unsettled times. For our songwriters out there, use this time to continue to express what is going on via your lyrics and compositions. Know that you have a place that will give you a voice and help to get your music out there. We are honored that all of you took time to be involved & we look forward to the year ahead that will set the plate for our next New Music Awards.